

This shortcode allows you to generate lists of trainers previously added by WordPress admin panel. You can choose between two defined styles of coach presentation . First one is the standard, it generates only a photo and the name of the coach while the second is a modern form which allows the display social media buttons, and allows you to present picture of selected trainer on a blurred background.

[vc_wtr_icon circle=”off” circle_style=”1″ version=”wtrShtIcoStandard” type_icon=”directional|fa fa-angle-down” color=”#ffffff” align=”center” size=”50″ float=”none” animate=”none” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_trainer style=”square” id_trainer=”935″ link=”yes” animate=”none” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_trainer style=”square” id_trainer=”932″ link=”yes” animate=”none” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_trainer style=”square” id_trainer=”933″ link=”yes” animate=”none” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_trainer style=”blur” id_trainer=”932″ link=”yes” animate=”none” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_trainer style=”blur” id_trainer=”934″ link=”yes” animate=”none” delay=”0″]
[vc_wtr_trainer style=”blur” id_trainer=”924″ link=”yes” animate=”none” delay=”0″]